Wednesday, July 6, 2011

祝我生日快乐 ♥

Hang out with this pretty - Vjan
Heart her *
Thank you for accompany me yah !
And your chocolate :D
Mwahhhhh <3

Tadaaaa ~ !
My stupid boyfriend bought me this - Fuji instax mini :D
Love it so MUCH <3
I know I'm not the perfect one .
I know I'm not the pretty .
But you're the one who love me the most :D
Give me everything I want .
Yesterday you said something me to , I feel so touch .
My tears drops non stop (':
Thank you for giving me a lot of happiness , love and care <3
No one can replace you inside my heart .
I LOVE YOU from the bottom of my heart .
Mwahhhhhh *

Birthday night ~
My mum and daddy brought me go The Ship for dinner (:
Look at my mum O.O
She look so young I know (=
She LOVE me , but i always make you angry :\
Sorry mum . And I LOVE YOU <3

This is my daddy <3
Heart him much ! :D
He know everything about me.
He know that i'm not happy because of something .
I asked him : ' Baba , where's my cake ?! '
He said : ' NO cake ' .
After that he call mummy fetch him go buy for me (':
Wuhooooo ~ !
He is my superman !
He always hold me up when i was been hurt .
I can feel his love to me <3

我没有不开心 , 我很好 .
虽然我的好姐妹没有和我庆祝 , 我知道她们也许很忙 (':
我并没有埋怨 . 我不想她们不开心 .
只要我开心 , 每天都是我生日 , 对吧 ? (':
放心 , 我很看得开 .

Friday, June 10, 2011

假期 ♥

充实 ! 开心 ! 轻松 !
一天吃到晚 ; 玩到三更半夜才回家 >///< 样子惨了很多 , 有一点痘痘涅 ~ !
原谅我那么迟才更新 :|
前一阵子都在考试 . 发奋 * 假期期间又要招待从美国来的朋友 . 忙死了 D:
还没玩够又要开学了 .
我不是不喜欢上学 , 我只是不喜欢早早要起床 !
整天赖床赖到最后一分钟才起床 - -
是时候检讨检讨了 XD


我和他还有 9 天就相爱 999 天

真的没想到我们会一起走到这一步 .

我比任何人都珍惜这一份感情 .

我们都深爱着对方 ; 给最好的你 (:

我没有别人那么漂亮 , 没有别人那么聪明 .

但我有一个永远向着你的心 ; 我爱你有一千吨的爱

我会努力去改变 , 把我最好的都给你 .

Monday, May 16, 2011

考试期中 D:

I promise I'll update my blog after finish exam !

我平凡 , 过的也很平凡 .
不好 , 不坏 .
不惊 , 不喜 .
我过的很好 - 平凡 .

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pray for JAPAN ♥

My heart is with Japan and the Japanese people.
It is very painful to think about the victims of the earthquake and I feel so helpless not to be able to do anything for them.
It is devastating to know how bad the damage is, and that it is getting worse every day.
In this difficult situation, I hear many Japanese are trying to help each other, and their sense of morality is very high.
I am very proud of the Japanese.
I can only pray for Japan, but I truly believe that the Japanese will united and show their true ability, and overcome the hardship.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

给我一点时间 :目

给我一点时间 , 我有东西要处理 .
更新中 ........

Thursday, February 24, 2011

第三个情人节 ♥

你已经陪我过了三个情人节了 !!
今年的情人节虽然简单 ; 但我很快乐 , 很幸福
我要感谢你对我无微不至 ; 给我幸福到飞天 =D
我们不能天天见面 , 你要做工我要读书 .

你对我的好我都知道 !!
但我却常常说你对我不好 xD
我没能常常照顾你 , 你要好好照顾自己啊 .
还有别想给我泡妞 ! 我一定阉掉你 ; 当小杰杰 :目
你要常常想我噢 ; 可是我一点都不想你 xD

Saturday, February 12, 2011

新年快乐 ♥

我上来囖! 我知道我很就没更新 ; 对不起 =|
哈哈哈 .
我恭贺大家兔年快乐 ; 心想事成 !
最重要身体健康 ; 平平安安

新年post我没有打算要写 ; 今年的新年也没有什么特别 * 闷 *

只是在朋友家赌赌钱 . 喝下啤酒酱吧鸟 .
妈咪讲 : 你表再喝了 !! 你看你的啤酒肚 !
我不再喝了 !!!!
Ignore my stomach please D:
属狗跟老鼠的人今年运气是最好的 ; 但我并不觉得 .
我那天在学校弄伤了脚 * 痛 *
会不会留下疤痕 ?! 我真的很痛 ):
而我的男人却红眼病 !!
我心疼 !
一定是看靓女看得多 ; 惩罚你 xD

明天考试了; 书都没读 !
温书去 , 拜拜哝 (:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

小宝宝 ♥

这个话题我跟老公常常都在说 ; 说到不停 .
越说越兴奋 xD
好像我们已经有了宝宝酱 !
他说声宝宝要生男孩先 ; 因为哥哥会保护妹妹 .
我却说生妹妹先 ; 因为哥哥会欺负妹妹 :/
整天在想该帮宝宝取什么名字好呢 ?
老公姓 [ 庄 ] ,
他说宝宝的名字叫 ' 装可爱 ' ; 这名字烂死了 !
以后我们的宝宝一定埋怨为什么他的爹地妈咪为他取了一个那么烂的名字 D:
以后我要给最好的教育给我的宝宝 !
现在的小孩子真的很没教养 ; 没礼貌 !
难道家长都没有教好自己的小孩嚒 ?
现在的小孩子 ; 小小就学人家抽烟 , 做老大 , 吸毒 !
不像样 !
如果我的宝宝酱对我 ; 我剃头做尼姑 :/
管教归关教 ; 我会给他们很多的自由 .
我不想我的宝宝不开心 ; 宝宝是我的 ! 我给他快乐 (:
我从小就没自由 ; 我不开心 )':
家人管教太严 .
我表我的宝宝像我酱 !

p/s : 猜猜照片里的宝宝是谁 xD

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Forgive my busy , please D:

OMG ! I'm so fucking busy !
Forgive me please D:
Haihhh , open school already .
My school life is still the SAME !
Being crazy with my friends in the class .
Even teacher are there too xD
But some things was change .
I can't meet my hub every day ):
Do you know I miss you a lot ?
I hope every day you're there with me ,
but I can't !
I can't be so selfish :/
Hub ~
You must wait me yarh .
One year only.
I always telling myself that one year past very fast .
Don't worry (':
Thanks for the wonderful dream that you gave me <3
Star my new life ,
hiding those tears ;
who's goin' to support me ?
Hubby should always support ME :D
Because you're my last man <3>